Monday, August 27, 2012


Dear All,

Kindly be informed that all (pre) orders for LV are now closed!!

I would like to thank those who have confirmed their slots and made the first deposit payment. I will put up your names and orders in my next entry so do keep a look out. I will also send you each an email with regards to your payments.

It has been said that LV in Paris might have a stricter policy since the prices in Euros are much cheaper compared to its LV counterparts in the UK. As I have clearly stated in the previous entry, I will try to get all the bags you ordered but in the event that I can't, your money will be fully refunded when I return. I do not have a runner to help purchase your bags beforehand (if I do then you won't be paying such good prices for it in the first place! :D) but I do hope that the SAs would be kind enough and make some allowances and that there are ample stocks for your bags :)

You will be duly informed about the status of your order when I get there in November and if your order wasn't made possible, you can expect to receive your full refund by November 28th - November 29th, when I get back.

Thanks again for your support and we'll be in contact again soon!


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